About Us

Who We Are

We are the The Network of Incubators & Innovators in Nigeria (NINE). We support Nigerian hubs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovators.

Our Mission

Creating opportunities for stakeholders to thrive through knowledge management and capacity development activities, linkages and access to growth prospects.

What We Do

Build a Strategic connected platform to support the supporters of entrepreneurship, Innovation, technology and incubation towards a developed and vibrant entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem in Nigeria.
The Network of Incubators & Innovators in Nigeria (NINE) is an enterprise support organisation that supports hubs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovation driven businesses in Nigeria. An impact driven platform set to increase the capacity of the community of Stakeholders whose day- to-day work is to guide Innovation and Innovative businesses to grow towards success.
A Development Organisation focused on resource/knowledge mobilization and providing a linkage platform for enterprise support organisations, start-ups, incubators, accelerators, innovation-driven organizations, international development agencies, Academia and start-up development driven individuals to gather knowledge for the growth and sustenance of their efforts in the building of technology, Innovation, entrepreneurship and start-ups incubation in Nigeria.
The ecosystem builder and coordinator in Nigeria has within the last 3 years assisted in the setup of several innovation hubs across Nigeria and the capacity development of over 50 hub owners, managers across the country, as well as the upskilling of over 600 youths in the FCT, start-ups and entrepreneurs through our Technical and Vocational Education and Trainings (TVET), Pre- incubation programs using open innovation and design thinking. NINE developed an innovation- focused capacity building module tailored for the African innovation hub ecosystem in 2018.



Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Enterprise Support Organisations
Incubators/ Accelerators/ Innovation Centres & Co-Working Spaces
Science & Technology Parks
Academia & Research Institutions
Private Sector & MNCs
Foreign organisations & International Development Agencies

Research with Impact

Ecosystem Mapping 2.2

Research on the Nigerian Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem System, its development, its stakeholders and the depth of innovation in Nigeria.

Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative

The Prize aims to spotlight entrepreneurs across Africa from both technology-driven and traditional industries with a special focus on small enterprises, female entrepreneurs, and those doing work to improve local communities.

Increasing impact with online resources and tools

Your hub wants to provide real value to start-ups
and small businesses. Your hub aims to foster
a community of skilled entrepreneurs in your
region. What if you could do it it better and more

Innovation Consulting

We support individuals, entrepreneurs, start-ups, development agencies, academia and innovation- driven businesses to apply innovation to solve problems in Nigeria.
Are you are looking for a partner to help you conceptualise, develop and implement ideas, solutions, programs that addresses social and economic challenges?